Along with strengthening preventative aspects of our behavior management system, PBIS provides us with structures for students who may need additional support for behavior expectations beyond Tier I. The primary prerequisite for an effective Tier II Intervention system is a firmly established and internalized system of expectations and reinforcements (Tier I). Approximately 8-10% of students benefit from Tier II interventions.
When a student is identified to benefit from Tier II interventions, a team problem-solving approach is used to create a plan which is supported and monitored by the Tier II team. Tier II interventions are matched to the function of behavior. The process to identify and match students to interventions may include:
A social-emotional teacher survey, completed each fall and spring
- Referral data
- Staff observations
- Attendance concerns
Below is a list of some interventions we provide students:
- Alternative Recess
- Break Spot
- Sensory Tools
- Lunch Groups
- Attendance Contract
- Behavior Contract
- Check In Check Out (CICO)
- Small Group Social-Emotional or Counseling Groups